Dear Jonas - תערוכה ויום עיון - ג'ונאס מקאס


Mamuta Art&Research Center

״With Blind Steps״


Curator: Judith Lenglart

Artists: Avraham Eilat, Gideon Gechtman, Yoram & Alina Gross, Haim Maor, Joshua Neustein,Georgette Batlle&Gerry Marx, Dov Or Ner, David Perlov, Yocheved Weinfeld.

*The exhibition will be closed on September 17-18*

For more information >>

Design week 2024: 19.9-26.9

Opening Hours during design week:

Thur 19.9, 19:30-23:00

Fri 20.9, 10:00-16:00

Sat 21.9, 12:00-23:00

Sun-Thur 22-26.9, 16:00-23:00

A Gallery Talk at the exhibition “With Blind Steps” will take place at friday, 20.09, 12:00

More about the Talk >>

תערוכות ופרויקטים רצים

תערוכות קודמות

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