Mamuta and the JFF at La Ira de Dios, Buenos Aires

Presenting a selection of Israeli Video Art from the “Intersections” of the Jerusalem Film Festival:
ntersections (Israel Video Art)
from the Jerusalem Film Festival – Expermiental Cinema and Video Art Award (2010-2014)
Curated by Sala-manca artists group (Mamuta Art and Media Center)
Presented by Diego Rotman
Oryctolagus Cuniculus |Keren Shavit | 2010 | 7′
A group of men in long white coats congregate at the local community center basketball gym for the evaluation of 144 rabbits. The rabbit scoring highest in all categories is declared the winner.
Amir Yartsiv | Detroit | 13′
The title of the video is borrowed from this training area in the country’s southern region. “Detroit” is a 1:1 simulation of a Palestinian city. The simulation generates an alternative reality which conceals the true reality. The training city “Detroit” was intended to prepare soldiers for combat in an urban area. It resembles a Muslim quarter, thus meeting the users’ needs in a simulation which would furnish them with a fantasy of an Arab city.
Amitai Arnon, Esther Bires | Masks | 2014 | 12′
The film Masks was shot over 12 years during which Esther and Amitai documented two siblings at Purim festivities, dressed up as different characters and embodying various roles. In Purim, as in the carnival, sacred and sanctified things are legitimately parodied. For 12 minutes a partial portrait of the children’s growing up is presented, in states of abandon. Their adolescence and identity play is designated by the immediate surroundings of their life, the Israeli town of Ramla – according to the national and religious timetable and the growing children’s life cycle during the film.
Ohad Fishof | ABDUCTION | 2010 | 8:34
Based on an eponymous sci-fi story. Here, it is man who abducts the alien, and not vice versa.” The film and the story are a second part in a series of works, “Hoon,” which describes characters, sites, and events in the imaginary town of Hoon.
Dana Gillerman | Pornographic Collage | 2014 | 9:44
Ten women from diverse backgrounds were asked to watch a short porn film and
describe what they see. The viewing is via computer, filmed in Skype-like or porn-film style: intimate, domestic and unpretentious.
Sally Krysztal Kramberg | Je te vois | 2013 | 1:38
A video work that almost merges with the whiteness of the wall; a screwdriver emerges through a cardboard wall. The screwdriver pierces the surface separating it from the external world and opens a window that reveals nothing.