Lola Arias | Veteranos

Opening: Friday, 27.7, 12:00, Mamuta at Hansen
Within the framework of Intersections, at the Jerusalem Film Festival, the Mamuta Art and Research Center presents Argentinean artist, theatre director, and filmmaker Lola Arias. Veterans is a 5-channel exhibition, in which soldiers re-enact traumatic war moments from the Falklands, more than 30 years later. Five films play simultaneously and the viewer can move between the different tales: The Swimmer by Marcelo Vallejo, a formal metal worker now a triathlon champion; The Voice by Daniel Terzano, a psychologist now employed at a psychiatric hospital; The Sinking of the Belgrano by Dario Volonté, a petty naval officer who now earns his living as a tenor; Last Day of War by Guillermo Dellepiane, a retired brigadier and air force pilot, and The Diary of a Soldier by Fabián Volonté, a car mechanic reading from his tattered diary, recording his experiences prior to the beginning of the war as a soldier.
The reenactment is re-examined in light of their daily work environment: a psychiatric hospital, a swimming pool, and so on. The work engages with war memories, and their manifestations in present daily life and with the aestheticization of those memories.
Common denominators from the present situation (two fans evoke a storm,toy airplanes airplane toys represent the war aircraft), conjure the past while keeping the gaps, accenting, in a Brechtian way, the fact that these memories are staged for the camera.