Many Say Yes – A Radio Play by Josef Sprinzak

Josef Sprinzak brings up a vocal discussion over the concept of consent, in a re-adaptation to Bertolt Brecht’s plays. “He Said Yes” and “He Said No”, two of Brecht’s plays which are actually one tale with an alternative ending, become a radio play in which Sprinzak himself play the different characters. The new performance combines different technical sound elements together with original music, radio and theatre materials. The universal theme presented is the willingness or unwillingness of the individual to sacrifice himself, consciously, for the sake of society.
Sound design and effects: Yaniv Kuris and Josef Sprinzak; Translation: Aharon Shabtai; Music: Yarden Erez; Mastering: Noam Shpiegler; Recorded at Mamuta’s Studio
A collaboration between Mamuta at the Daniela Passal at the Daniela Passal and the Hazira Habeintchumit.