The Only Weapon I Have Is the Quill Pen | Mendes-Flohr, Landau and Pinski, Zax

“The Only Weapon I have is the Quill Pen” | Itamar Mendes-Flohr, Eran Sachs, Ayala Landau, Lior Pinsky
Opening: Saturday, December 30, 2017, 19:00
Opening Hours: Monday and Tuesday: 12:00-16:00, Wednesday: 14:00-18:00, Friday : 10:00-14:00
Curators: Lior Pinsky and Sala-Manca Group
Mamuta Art and Research Center
“The Only Weapon I have is the Quill Pen” is a sound exhibition comprised of three works by four artists – Ayala Landau and Lior Pinsky, Itamar Mendes-Flohr, and Eran Sachs. The works, presented in the art space/shelter of Hansen House, render fragile moments of silence and the state uncertainty and threat contained in these moments.
A hiding place, an unexpected movement, imagined landscapes reconstructing actions unfolding in the open space (a Japanese garden sculpture, a forest of feathers, a city under siege) – the three works need motion in order to exist; or in Einstein’s words: to keep your balance you must keep moving. In the tension of potential energy, on the continuum between eruption and vacuum, we hear the voice of João Delgado (1921-1976?) challenging his adversaries: “Our only weapon is the quill.”
Each of the participating artists in the exhibition has spent extended periods in the artist-in-residence program at Mamuta. These works, created after their residencies, return to the sub-conscious discursive and intellectual space of the Mamuta Center of Art and Design, to the basements of the former lepers’ hospital, which is paradoxically one of the few spaces where it is (still) possible to reflect quietly about the possibility of a different reality.