“”Compressing Data Principle’ A project by Helly Mizrai

Mamuta at the Daniela Passal art and media center present:
‘Compressing Data Principle’ a project by Helly Mizrai
Curator: Yonatan Amir
Additional dates: Fridays 7.5, 14.5, 21.5, 11:00
‘Compressing data principle’, Helly Mizrai’s exhibition is an artistic project exploring the validity of historic stories, and confronting between memories, testimonies, evidences, and interpretations. The exhibition was created within the project “what’s hidden behind the pastoral” that was held in Mamuta.
‘Compressing Data Principle’, includes tours in the village of Ein Karem and an exhibition of archive materials. It follows the events of a plague that, as told, broke out on 1948.
Several days after the escape of the Palestinian residents, the village was inhabited by a group of holocaust survivals that immigrated to Israel.
Not long after their arrival to the village, a plague, apparently, burst.
Apart from the monks and nuns that closed themselves up in the church, only one man is known to[or that?] have survived it.
The story of the plague was never told, but the “Foundation For the Missing Days Research” is currently working diligently on collecting evidences and findings from the event.
The tours that will take place during the exhibition will follow the leads of the case, for the first time. The tour will begin with an exhibition of photos, documents and personal belongings, telling the happenings of the event. In continuance, the participants will be invited to a tour which investigates the story of the plague, at its end, the participants will be asked to share their thoughts and impressions on the case.
‘Compressing Data Principle’ Helly Mizrai, opening 30.4, 12:00, additional dates: : Fridays 7.5, 14.5, 21.5, 11:00. mamuta at the Daniela passal art & media center, Madregot Habikur 58, Ein Karem. 077-4310485 prod@mamuta.com