Borderline Recordings

Border Recordings, Jerusalem 2021
Lior Pinsky and Niv Gafni
Curators: Amir Bolzman and Sala-Manca
Opening: 7.1.2022, 12:00
Closing: 4.2.2022
The sound work, Border Recordings, Jerusalem 2021 is made up of a series of field recordings that were combined into a multi-channel work, creating an imagined geopolitical sound space.
The recordings were taken by different artists over the past year, at liminal spaces at the edges of the city of Jerusalem, where the sounds of the city mingle with the sounds of the adjacent nature.
Sound borders are distinct from political and geographical borders. The sounds outside and inside of the city create a space that is different—thicker—than the official border.
Three recording points were chosen for the work, comprising a triangle encompassing the city of Jerusalem: Ein Karem/Jerusalem Forest, Har Homa/Judean Desert, and Ramot Alon/Samarian Hills. The sound content changes from point to point according to geographical conditions, population make-up, biosphere, seasons, and the hours of recording.
Standing in the middle of the sound triangle, the listening subject’s body expands and resonates Jerusalem in its entirety.
The project is part of the Mamuta Art and Research Center’s “Recording Department,” which focuses on field recordings and sound phenomenon in the urban space and in liminal areas.
Lior Pinsky and Niv Gafni
Lior Pinsky and Niv Gafni are sound artists who live and work in Jerusalem. Alongside personal projects, Pinsky and Gafni have collaborated on a number of projects revolving around their shared interest in field recordings, the ecology of sound, time, and experience.
Ein Kerem – Roman Grove Valley, southwest Jerusalem. First shift, summer night – August 2021. Winter sunset – December 2021
Har Homa –grove at the end of Zisman Street, southeast Jerusalem. Summer sunset, August 2021. Winter sunset, December 2021
Nabi Samuel – Hannah’s Spring, north Jerusalem. Winter sunrise, December 2021