6.2.2015, Friday at 10:00 Topic: Tawfiq Kan’aan | Director of the Jesus Hilfe Leprosarium, Artists: Hannan Abu Hussein, Yeshayahu Rabinowitz and Sala-manca group
20.2.2015, Friday at 10:00 Topic: Eternal Sukkah with Al-Korchan family and the artist: Yishaiau Rabinowitz, Sala-Manca Group, Chen Cohen and Ktura Manor
25.2.2015, Wednesday at 20:00 Topic: Dybbuk, after the celebrated play of the same name by S. Ansky and the festival His Voice on Her, Artists: Guy Biran, Sala-manca groupTom Soloveitzik, Josef Sprinzak, Shira Borer and Li Lorian.
27.2.2015, Friday at 14:00 Topic: Masks Artists: Amitai Arnon, Esther Bires and Sala-manca group with masks creating workshop for children
11.3.2015, Wednesday at 20:00 Screening: Same River Twice, with the director Effi Weiss